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Johnny Sage

In his early adulthood, Johnny Sage could not understand why there were only two political parties or why people would fight to the death over political candidates who would end up screwing everyone over once they got into office anyway no matter what party they were or what promises they made.

It wasn’t until he watched some Bill Hicks stand-up comedy specials that he realized there was someone else out there who was also thinking just like him.

“Not only did he think like I thought, but he could put it into words and verbalize it,” says Johnny. When you’re younger and have these different feelings, you don’t know how to state them. But here was someone doing just that, which showed him that it was possible to express your different feelings and thoughts.

Within 2-3 years, Johnny checked out George Carlin’s stand-up specials, which helped inspire him and introduce him to another critical thinker. Additionally, he watched a documentary called America: Freedom to Fascism which states that the Federal Reserve is private. According to Johnny, once you realize that the whole system is screwed up, you begin to start questioning everything. On the physical level, this has been the cause of most of today’s problems.

Shortly after that, he watched A Beautiful Truth which showed how bad amalgam fillings were and how beneficial coffee enemas could be. This inspired him to look more into health. He also watched Food Matters, which he considers his awakening to nutrition. The following year Food, Inc. came out and showed how bad the agricultural industry was for animals and so he decided to try different diets around that time.

“First, I cut out red meat, then became pescatarian then vegetarian then experimented with different diets,” says Johnny Sage.

During this time, he watched a couple of truth documentaries like Collapse in which Michael Rupert talked about fiat currency and fractional reserve banking. The other documentary was American Drug War: The Last White Hope, which showed how bad the policies were during the U.S. drug war.

Although Johnny was solely based in the physical world where he mostly watched content on food, nutrition, and health, he found spirituality by accident. It didn’t appeal to him because he thought it was mostly religion but then he found this book called The Tao of Poo in 2011. Despite the book being a very simple read, it was profound and the philosophies in it made sense and changed his line of thinking.

But one of his friends who was getting into Buddhism sent him Dharma talks, lent him books and taught him mindfulness meditation, which became Johnny’s first foray into having a spiritual practice. However, at that point, it was off and on.

Shortly after, he cancelled his Netflix subscription and got into watching YouTube clips. The following year, he was checking out more material that Bill Hicks and Patrice O’Neal had previously released. Then he went deep down the rabbit hole with YouTube documentaries, which didn’t have much censorship yet back in 2017 and 2018. So he was lucky enough to get exposed to some great material from free thinkers between those couple years which he took advantage of.

He also was introduced to earlier episodes of Joe Rogan’s podcast which came into his life just when he needed it because he had arguably started his own healing journey through the Alexander technique around then which talks about breathing and posture.

And so according to Johnny’s journey, what started as a physical and mental healing journey quickly turned into a spiritual one as well.  To get more information on how Johnny Sage walked through his healing and transformational journey, you can hook up with him on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube at The Dystopian Renaissance or on his website at