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“The voice is the most healing Instrument there is.” Ava Milva–singer, a spiritual teacher, and intuitive energy healer. She is a certified Kundalini yoga instructor and sound healer.

 Welcome to the transformative realm of sound healing, where the gentle vibrations of sound meet the power of your dreams. Sound healing, an ancient practice finding renewed resonance in today’s fast-paced world, invites you to explore the harmonious connection between sound and well-being. This journey goes beyond the audible, tapping into the vibrational frequencies that resonate within you, aiming to create a symphony of positive change. In this exploration, discover how the soothing tones of various instruments and vocal expressions can be the keys to unlocking the life you dream of.

Growing in adversity

“Sometimes the darkest moments force you to grow.” – Ava Milva.

 Growing in adversity means developing and becoming stronger when faced with challenges or difficult situations. Instead of being defeated by tough times, people learn valuable lessons, build resilience, and discover inner strength. Adversity can come in various forms, such as personal struggles, setbacks, or external hardships.

In these moments, individuals have the opportunity to adapt, learn, and find new ways to overcome obstacles. It’s like a plant growing in harsh conditions—while the environment may be tough, the plant adapts, strengthens its roots, and ultimately thrives. Similarly, facing adversity can lead to personal growth, increased wisdom, and the development of coping skills that prepare individuals for future challenges.

The different stages of healing

Healing is a journey, a process that unfolds in distinct stages. Each stage is a crucial step towards regaining emotional well-being. Understanding and embracing these stages is essential for anyone navigating the path of healing.

1. Feel the Pain:

The initial stage of healing requires acknowledging and feeling the pain. This step involves confronting emotions head-on, whether it be sadness, anger, or grief. Suppressing these emotions hinders the healing process, making it vital to allow oneself to experience and express the pain.

2. Separate from the People Causing the Pain:

After recognizing the pain, the next stage involves creating distance from the sources of emotional distress. Whether it’s toxic relationships or harmful situations, separating oneself allows for a clearer perspective and the opportunity to establish healthier boundaries. This step fosters an environment conducive to recovery.

3. Take Responsibility for Healing:

The final stage empowers individuals to take responsibility for their healing. This involves actively engaging in self-care, seeking support, and implementing positive changes. It’s a proactive step towards building resilience and fostering personal growth. By accepting the responsibility for healing, individuals regain control over their emotional well-being.

Kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga is a spiritual and physical practice rooted in ancient Indian traditions. Unlike other forms of yoga, Kundalini focuses on awakening the dormant spiritual energy, known as Kundalini, believed to reside at the base of the spine. This practice involves a combination of physical postures, breath control, chanting, and meditation, aiming to unleash this powerful energy and elevate one’s consciousness.

Importance of Kundalini Yoga:

A.Spiritual Awakening: Kundalini yoga is renowned for its ability to awaken higher states of consciousness. Practitioners believe that as the Kundalini energy rises through the seven chakras, it leads to spiritual enlightenment and a deeper connection with the divine.

B.Emotional Balance: This yoga form emphasizes the balance of energy within the body, promoting emotional stability. Through specific postures and breathwork, Kundalini yoga practitioners often experience a heightened sense of awareness and emotional equilibrium.

C.Physical Well-being: Kundalini yoga not only nourishes the spirit but also enhances physical health. The combination of dynamic movements and controlled breathing stimulates the nervous and glandular systems, fostering overall well-being and vitality.

Sound healing

Sound healing is a therapeutic practice that utilizes the power of sound vibrations to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This ancient healing method is rooted in the understanding that sound has the potential to influence our bodies at a cellular level, fostering balance and healing.

In the realm of sound healing, the fundamental principle is the belief that everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration. This includes not only tangible entities but also thoughts and emotions. By harnessing the vibrational qualities of sound, practitioners aim to bring about harmony within the body and mind.

Creating the Life of Your Dreams with Sound Healing

Resonance and Alignment (A): Sound healing facilitates resonance, where specific frequencies align with the natural frequencies of the body, promoting a sense of balance. In the pursuit of your dream life, this alignment can be metaphorically seen as tuning into the frequencies that resonate with your goals, aspirations, and inner self.

Stress Reduction and Clarity (B): Sound healing is renowned for its stress-relieving effects. Stress often obstructs the path to one’s dream life. By alleviating stress through sound therapy, the mind gains clarity, enabling better decision-making and focus on the steps necessary for realizing your dreams.

Emotional Release and Transformation (C): Emotions play a pivotal role in shaping our experiences. Sound healing allows for the release of pent-up emotions, paving the way for transformation. As you embark on creating your dream life, acknowledging and releasing emotional baggage becomes crucial for personal growth and fulfillment.

Manifestation and Positive Intention (D): Sound is a potent tool for setting intentions. In the context of creating the life of your dreams, utilizing sound to articulate and amplify positive intentions can act as a catalyst for manifestation. Whether through affirmations or visualizations accompanied by resonant sounds, the power of intention becomes a guiding force towards your desired life.

Combining Kundalini yoga, breathwork, energy healing and sound healing

“This is an amazing combination because kundalini activates the dormant energy, breathwork helps clear the bad energy from the body, and the energy healing goes in and energetically aligns the person.” – Ava.

Combining Kundalini yoga, breathwork, energy healing, and sound healing forms a holistic approach to enhance well-being and manifest positive changes in life. Kundalini yoga involves dynamic movements, breath control, and meditation to awaken spiritual energy. Breathwork, focusing on intentional breathing patterns, promotes relaxation and vitality. Energy healing aims to balance the body’s energy centers, fostering physical and emotional harmony. Sound healing employs vibrations from instruments or vocal tones to resonate with the body, promoting relaxation and inner healing.

Integrating these practices creates a powerful synergy. Kundalini yoga awakens the energy, breathwork sustains its flow, energy healing balances the system, and sound healing enhances the overall experience. Together, they create a profound mind-body connection, promoting a sense of calm and aiding in releasing blockages. This holistic approach is believed to stimulate personal growth, reduce stress, and contribute to a more fulfilling life. By incorporating these elements into daily routines, individuals may unlock their potential, experience greater clarity, and manifest positive changes, ultimately contributing to the creation of a life aligned with their dreams.


In conclusion, sound healing offers a simple yet powerful path to shape the life of your dreams. By embracing the harmonious vibrations of sound, we can find balance within ourselves, promoting a sense of calm and well-being. This ancient practice has the potential to alleviate stress, enhance focus, and unlock inner potential, paving the way for a more fulfilling and purposeful existence. Through the gentle resonance of sound, we have the opportunity to connect with our deepest aspirations, fostering a positive mindset that can lead to the manifestation of our dreams. In the symphony of life, sound healing becomes a transformative tool, helping us tune into the frequencies of joy, abundance, and personal growth, ultimately creating a life that resonates with our true desires.